Saturday, August 28, 2010


Now that is one absolutely BEAUTIFUL cob of corn! :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Updated schedule

Please let me know if you and your family would like to help maintain the garden. Thank you to all the summer volunteers! Kim

Monday, August 16, 2010

Here are those sunflowers

After trying 2 times to successfully grow sunflowers, it happened! Must have been all those great people coming to weed and water all summer. I was a bit disappointed that the BIG ones don't seem to be as successful, but oh well! :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Perspective of a kiddo...

The Pritchard family took care of the garden this past week. I happened to be there on Saturday, while they were there. I had my camera to take a picture of the sunflower. Chewie (the youngest) asked to use my camera and took some. I don't know which ones were taken by whom, but Rauan and Julia also took some! :)

a rose just outside the fencing

purple bean plant

marigold (I like this picture.)


another favorite: chives in bloom

yellow squash

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Updating on August 7, 2010

Thanks to those who have lovingly cared for the garden this summer. It sure shows! :)

Yummy harvest today! This is probably on 1/3 of what I could have picked!

This is the squash (zucchini, yellow and summer) side of the bed.

New spinach and swiss chard were planted a week ago.

Purple pole bean were also planted a week ago. Can't believe they are already this big!

This is going to be our first sunflower. I can't wait to see it!

Tomatoes... they are everywhere!

Check out our very large marigold plant. There are 2 on each side of the garden. Not sure what kind they are.

This is the cucumber side of the bed. Amazed at how these have done. There is actually only 2 plants here.

Corn, it is coming!

This is the NEW compost bin. I am so excited to see how this will work. I put it over the old stump of the tree that used to be in the area.

Cherry tomatoes... sure wished I like these!

I caught a bumble bee on one of the cosmos. I am deathly afraid of them, so I braved it to get the picture.

These are beets that were planted a week ago.

These are the green beans. They have slowed down a bit in their production, but are still providing lots of beans.