Saturday, March 6, 2010

The containers have moved outside!

I managed to get all of the 1st through 6th graders in the room at some point this week. We planted like crazy. You should ask your child what they planted in their container. It was fun to watch them get their hands dirty and we weren't even out in the garden, yet! Here are a few of the move from inside to their new home!

North counter in the classroom. It took up the enter wall of counter space.

Same north wall from another angle. Just wanted everyone to see how many containers we really have!

Emma and Robin are two of the 6th graders who helped me move the containers from the classroom out to their new temporary home.

Tyler and Noah also showed their strength by carrying these trays outside by themselves!

Home sweet (temporary) home! I am sure those seeds are wondering what in the world happened to their new cozy WARM old home. It is supposed to rain some this weekend, so I wanted them to be outside to start getting acclimated as soon as possible.

The next set of pictures should be getting the outline of the garden set using some of the tree stumps from the trees we cut down in the fall, adding wood chips for a walking path and most anxiously awaiting the arrival of some buds from our bulbs. :)

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