Monday, April 26, 2010


The kids and I are trying to keep up with the weed population, but if you ever feel the urge to pull some weeds... feel free to stop and pull away! Just make a pile on the pine needles near the wall and I will clean them up. The extra hands sure would be helpful. No need to ask, just start pulling. Opportunities... 1. kids are going wild in the evening, bring them and come pull weeds; 2. you need some peace and quiet, come pull weeds; 3. the kids are "bored", bring them and come pull weeds; 4. bad day at work and need to let out some frustration, come pull weeds; 5. free time on the weekend (yea right) come pull weeds! :) Just some ideas of opportune times! Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or concerns, this is just as much your child's garden (and yours too) as it is mine! :)

Growth as of 04.26.10

These aren't the best pictures, but they will give you an idea that the garden is truly growing. I took the pictures yesterday with my cell phone. I will try to get better quality ones up soon.

Lettuce (below)
Sweet peas (above) and chives and sweet basil (below)

Squash from seed (above) and squash from winter sowing (below)

Onion (above) and radish (below)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day to all!

Lizzy and Maria digging up the grass that has started to seep into the garden border.

Patrick mixing in the leaves with the "rocky" soil

Hannah pulling weeds from the sweet pea area.

Mary and Abby pulling weeds from the onion "territory".

Shannon, Allie and Adam pulling weeds.

The 7th graders and I went out and pulled weeds this morning. We also worked some leaves into an area of dirt that doesn't appear very "healthy". I plan to plant corn and green peppers in there, so we need to add some "good stuff" to the soil. I saw some lettuce coming up this morning and some of the onions are starting to show up, too. Fr. Schmitt complimented us on the sweet peas! A friend of mine who currently works at Schenk mentioned that our garden has been the talk of the place! Fun stuff! I will be putting up more pictures soon. Enjoy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Let the planting begin!

In memory of Caden Grajkowski:
son of Kurt and Michelle
brother to Kara and Creighton
Some of Caden's memorial fund was donated to help with gardening expenses.
Thank you, Grajkowski Family for your thoughtfulness!

The 6th graders helped transplant the radishes (foreground) and turnips (background) this morning. Hopefully they will perk up a bit soon!

The 7th graders did a great job of transplanting out peas! Didn't they do a "sweet" job?

This "beautiful" apparatus will hopefully hold up some of the cucumbers that we plant.

These beautiful tulips are coming up everywhere!

Friday, April 2, 2010

More pics!

I know you all are probably tired of pictures, but I am having a hay day seeing them grow. Just can't pass it up! :)

Do you see the pretty pink tips of that pretty new flower?

Just too pretty to pass up!

Our very first daffodil!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We are on the move!

The fencing is up, so it is time to get some of our seedlings in the ground. Hopefully when the students get back we will have the opportunity to get them in the ground. So far, we have radishes, turnips, cucumbers, sweet peas and carrots coming up. I have a need for some parental help during the following classes:
1st grade: we meet on Wednesday from 2:10 until 3:10
2nd grade: we meet on Tuesday from 12:50 until 1:50
3rd grade: we meet on Thursday from 12:50 until 1:50
4th grade: we meet on Wednesday from 12:40 until 1:40 and Thursday from 1:50 until 2:30
5th grade: we meet on Wednesday from 1:40 until 1:20 and Friday from 12:40 until 1:20

I need at least one parent to come and help the students plant these little plants. If ANYONE is interested, please contact me at asap. Thank you for volunteering your time! :)
