Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today we started out winter sowing! I started with the 4th graders. They really did a fantastic job of following directions and planting both cosmos and baby's breath seeds. I was very proud of them!

The 5th graders prepared their marigold and red poppy seeds. They, also, helped me prepare the 1st graders containers. The first graders came in and planted marigolds, red poppy's and cosmos. I was sad that I didn't have enough hands to take pictures of the first graders.

A huge thanks go out to Robert's dad for collecting most of these containers and Ms. Polly for helping provide the special potting soil we used. I sure appreciate all the contributions!

Second, Third and Sixth graders will need to plant theirs and we will take the trays outside to let them "do their thing". I keep reminding the students this is an EXPERIMENT and if it succeeds awesome, if not that is ok, too.

If anyone knows of how I could get a hold of some plain stepping stones, I sure could use the help. I have sought donations, but have been unsuccessful.

Thank you, GOD for the beautiful sunshine this week! We look forward to seeing our bulbs start poking up through the soil outside, soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun. Good luck seeds!

    Also, I like the straw flower picture at the bottom.

    -Kim's little sis
