Saturday, July 10, 2010

Update on July 10th!

Awesome work, Charnitz/Pugh and Sniadach families! The garden looks wonderful!!!!! I went today and did some "renovating". I pulled the peas all down and redug most of that area. I mixed some of the composting from early spring.

The green beans are producing like crazy!!! Lots and lots of tomatoes and green peppers. I found several zucchini and yellow squash that are quickly ripening. The cosmos and marigolds are offering a bit of color to the garden, too. The corn and sunflowers are growing, slowly, but they are growing! :)

I pulled the rest of the onions. There are still some carrots growing. They are so cute. I also left the lettuce, but it is almost at its end, so stop by and cut some off, if you have a chance.

Here are some pictures to help you see what is going on!

These are all the goods I picked today. There are a ton of green beans at the bottom of this bucket.

This is corn. I believe most of the stocks are "Knee High By the 4th of July"! Hopefully we'll see some sweet corn eventually!

The cosmos are so dainty and add a little color to the green garden.

Not sure if you can tell, but I put up a homemade fence. I bought a bunch of shims and made them stakes and strung string around each one. Looks pretty good. I plan to do this around all the plots so that we can easily identify where they are...

This one shows just how many tomatoes we will have shortly. I am not a tomato lover, so please feel free to stop by and pick them once they turn red!

ps. The Schwarm family is up for weeding and watering this coming week. Thank you for the hard work!

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